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Welcome to OH U'r Catholic!?

I am so happy to virtually meet you, and by that, I mean you listening to me talk on YouTube and/or reading the

linking blogs online! Maybe we will meet IRL (in real life) sometime. Regardless, the fact that you are reading

this right now is a blessing and a connection! Thank you!

If YOU’RE wondering (pun intended)…yes, I do know how to spell, but SMS text was part of my tech life

growing up so You’re became U’r for this! Plus for the logo and social media handle, U’r just makes more








OH U’r Catholic (OUC for short) was an inspiration I received when praying at Adoration-the Adoration

Chapel that is featured as the first image of every intro to each of my videos.

God deserves all of the glory, so I want to make sure I credit Him first and foremost, and as much as possible

for OUC! As I prayed over the seemingly bizarre thought of creating a Catholic YouTube channel, I eventually realized I

had to come up with a title and one day it clicked!

The title: “OH U’r Catholic!?” is derived from my own life experiences. It is a phrase I often heard for years

attending protestant events in college, post college, and times in the workplace.

Many were often surprised or puzzled to learn I am Catholic, so I often had the statement uttered to me:

“OH U’r Catholic!” or “OH U’r Catholic?”

I invite the title to be read in whichever tone feels fit or simply happens! I find that being an example of true

Catholicism is confusing to those that are outside of THE Church, and exciting to others inside of THE Church.

SO. What is OUC? Why are you taking your time to watch or read any of this? Why am I carrying the cross of

being not just an “Influencer,” but someone publicly speaking about one of the two topics everyone warns

against speaking on: Religion

For YOU…I mean U!

Yes you!


I am persecuting myself to help bring YOU Home to THE Church, the Catholic Church, Jesus

created- OR merely am standing in solidarity to the many that feel the same as me Home in THE Church, but

were asked by God to evangelize in a different capacity…OR maybe you’re reading this and already are

someone that publicly speaks for THE Church-if so, please pray for me and I pray God continues to bless you!

I am willing to be crucified for Him, because He was willing to be crucified for me AND you.

OUC is an ever-growing abyss of thoughts I get in my constant dialogue with God throughout each

day…especially when I go to Adoration! Ooof! God sure “talks” a lot in the silence!


To put it simply, below are the unmeasurable goals of OUC:

  • Adult Catechetics

  • Apologetics

  • Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) of Catholics

  • Faith Formation

  • Faith Relationship/Journey

  • Interviews

  • Spirituality

  • Vocation Discernment

  • Singleness – the unofficial vocation

  • Hagiography

  • Hermeneutics

  • Hot Topics

  • Theology

  • Philosophy

  • Relationship Advice

  • Hot Topic Interviews

  • Miscellaneous- aka whatever the Holy Spirit moves me to!

The YouTube videos will typically not be over seven minutes, give or take because let’s be honest-who has

time for that!? Nothing is to be viewed as lectures, but merely my informative spin on social media

evangelization to learn Catholicism. It is my mission to make the goals of OUC stated above to be as fun,

understandable, and compassionate as possible!


With that said, I am reminded of the words of St. Catherine of Siena:

“You are rewarded not according to your

work or your time but according to the measure of your love.”

Since I am here for YOU, I would love topic suggestions and questions!


I pray OUC blesses you and anyone you share it with! Please subscribe to OUC  for video

upload notifications, and our email list to get notified when a blog post is uploaded, if YouTube isn’t your


Personal recommendation: I will say I am far more entertaining talking in front of a camera because you will

see my utmost human imperfections on the videos trying to explain Catholicism to you in one or two takes

instead of meticulously editing my notes turn blogs on here-but cheers to God’s Gift of Free Will to you!

Thanks for submitting!

Leave your e-mail to be in the loop of all things OUC!
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© 2024 Oh U'R Catholic.

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